About Journal

  • Journal of Forensic Medicine / Fayixue Zazhi (CN 31-1472/R, ISSN 1004-5619) was founded in July 1985, supervised by the Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China and sponsored by the Academy of Forensic Science. It was the first national academic journal in forensic medicine in China.

    Journal of Forensic Medicine is aimed to disseminate information on new theories, new technologies and new methods of forensic medicine and its related disciplines, and committed to supporting judicial justice, implementing the rule of law, promoting academic exchanges among professionals, and facilitating the development of forensic medicine studies.

    The publishing scope includes forensic pathology, forensic clinical medicine, forensic genetics, forensic psychiatry, forensic toxicology, forensic entomology and drug analysis, medical disputes, forensic identification of medical accidents and traffic accident identification, etc. The journal welcomes not only innovative scientific research achievements funded by high-level projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation, but also techniques and experience sharing articles that are practical to daily work, providing forensic medical professionals with new trends, new progress, new technology and new experience for scientific research, education and judicial investigation.

        The columns of the journal are: Original Article, Technology and Application, Cases Analysis, Review, Experience Exchange, Research Briefing, Standard Forum, Case Reports, etc.

  • 2021-04-13 Visited: 8226