法医学杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (2): 176-185.DOI: 10.12116/j.issn.1004-5619.2022.320801
Hang CHEN(), Jing HU(
), Zheng QIAO, Hong-xiao DENG, Min LÜ, Wei LIU(
陈航, 胡婧, 乔正, 邓虹霄, 吕敏, 刘伟. 法医毒物领域生物基质标准物质的研究进展[J]. 法医学杂志, 2023, 39(2): 176-185.
Hang CHEN, Jing HU, Zheng QIAO, Hong-xiao DENG, Min LÜ, Wei LIU. Research Progress on Biological Matrix Reference Materials in Forensic Toxicology[J]. Journal of Forensic Medicine, 2023, 39(2): 176-185.
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