法医学杂志 ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (6): 763-775.DOI: 10.12116/j.issn.1004-5619.2021.310202
所属专题: 合成毒品的法医毒理学研究
洪仕君1(), 沈宝玉1, 孙荣基2, 杨根梦1, 段春梅2, 聂倩云1, 张从斌2, 董文娟1, 于浩1, 王上1, 刘鹏亮1, 闻品渊2(
), 李利华1(
Shi-jun HONG1(), Bao-yu SHEN1, Rong-ji SUN2, Gen-meng YANG1, Chun-mei DUAN2, Qian-yun NIE1, Cong-bin ZHANG2, Wen-juan DONG1, Hao YU1, Shang WANG1, Peng-liang LIU1, Pin-yuan WEN2(
), Li-hua LI1(
Pin-yuan WEN,Li-hua LI
洪仕君, 沈宝玉, 孙荣基, 杨根梦, 段春梅, 聂倩云, 张从斌, 董文娟, 于浩, 王上, 刘鹏亮, 闻品渊, 李利华. 甲基苯丙胺滥用现状及相关研究进展[J]. 法医学杂志, 2021, 37(6): 763-775.
Shi-jun HONG, Bao-yu SHEN, Rong-ji SUN, Gen-meng YANG, Chun-mei DUAN, Qian-yun NIE, Cong-bin ZHANG, Wen-juan DONG, Hao YU, Shang WANG, Peng-liang LIU, Pin-yuan WEN, Li-hua LI. Current Situation of Methamphetamine Abuse and Related Research Progress[J]. Journal of Forensic Medicine, 2021, 37(6): 763-775.
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